Sustainability became a central exit in the agricultural sector, all for researchers, producers and decision makers. Sustainable agriculture is a mode which produces abundant food without exhausting the earth resources or polluting its environment. It is also the agriculture of the statutory values, one whose success is not distinguished from the vibrating rural communities, of the rich person lives for families, and safety for each one. Sustainability in agriculture is attached to broader exits of the total economy. The main aims of this review paper are: (1) formulate definitions of sustainable development, (2) identify and know the components and the aspects of sustainability at the farm level, and (3) mention methods of sustainability’s evaluation.
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Posté Le : 03/08/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Mhamdi N. - Darej C. - Benlarbi M. - Mhamdi H.
Source : Revue des Sciences Fondamentales Appliquées Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 790-807 2017-05-01