
Sustainable Marketing As A Mechanism To Achieve The Dimensions Of Sustainable Development

This research aims to high light the role of marketing in achieving sustainable dimensions of sustainable development (environmental, economic and social) through the adoption of concepts thatrepresent social responsibility. The results showed learned from research and a relationship between marketing and sustainable dimensions of sustainable development, as contributing to marketing sustainable interest in environmental considerations by adopting the principles of green marketing by providing the productgreen and guide individuals and organizations to the need to change the perception about responsible consumption and attention social costs. Also contributes to the economic dimension effectively through marketing responsible, who summed uphisrolein dealing with all parties and the community that works in the middle and the environment in a responsible mannerbasedo nmoralgrounds, principles and transparency. While clearrole in the social dimension of sustainable development by applying the principles of social marketing beyond contributing to the charity to inclued the provision of effective mechanisms to address the social challenge slistandtry to find solutions to have, in addition to providing support and assistance by the organization's management.

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