
Survival Analysis And Risk Factors For Death In Tuberculosis Patients: Ehu Of Oran (may 2014 - January 2016), Algeria

The objective of this study is to identify risk factors susceptible to cause survival variations as well as death among tuberculosis patients during hospitalization period. It consists of a prospective cohort study for which tuberculosis patients registered for treatment at the Etablissement Hospitalier Universitaire (EHU) of Oran have been followed up to death. Survival comparison between treatment categories was done using Kaplan Meier analysis and Wilcoxon test. Cox proportional hazards model was used for multivariate analysis. There was a significant difference in survival among treatment categories (Wilcoxon statistic = 8.6, p-value = 0.013). The resulting significant risk factors of Cox model susceptible to cause death among tuberculosis patients and their corresponding hazard ratios (HR) are HIV infection (HR = 4.233), alcohol (HR = 4.872), smoking (HR = 4.349) and female gender (HR = 3.818).

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