Solar energy is one of the most attractive renewable energy sources due to its abundance in our country. However, despite the specificities of the region of Ain-Defla that can be used to reduce the use can’t be supported by the state. In this case, the contribution of solar energy could effectively contribute in solving some energy problems. Current systems are mainly based on the technology known as the "parabolic trough power plant" which uses a long rectangular mirror and a parabolic trough. The solar rays are reflected by the mirror to converge on the tube which is placed at the focal line of a parabolic trough concentrator; this system has an excellent power generation, it’s non-polluting, and silent. In that respect, this research aims to study the performance improvement of a parabolic trough. Several techniques exist to ensure the high temperature at the outlet, for the optimization is compatible with the software called "Engineering equation Solver" (EES).
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Posté Le : 21/10/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Touil Abdelkadir - Laissaoui Mohamed - Nehari Driss - Madani Yssaad Habib
Source : Revue Nature et Technologie Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 41-44 2017-01-30