The presented work is to develop a numerical computation program to determine the distribution of the shear stress in closed tubes with asymmetric single thin wall section with a constant thickness and applications to airfoils, and therefore determining the position and value of the maximum stress. In the literature, there are exact analytical solutions only for some sections of simple geometries such as circular section. Hence our interest is focused on the search of approximate numerical solutions for more complex sections used in aeronautics. In the second stage the position of the shear center is determined so that the section does not undergo torsion. The analytic function of the airfoil boundary is obtained by using the cubic spline interpolation since it is given in the form of tabulated points.
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Posté Le : 14/09/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Boun-jad Mohamed - Zebbiche Toufik - Allali Abderrazak
Source : Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 73-88