
STEPS 2021 (Students, Tests, Exchange Programs, and Scholarships)

Studying abroad is one of the most beneficial experiences for you as a student, it doesn't only allow you to develop your career and improve your language skills but also it will change your entire perspective of the world.
S.T.E.P.S. (Student, Tests, Exchange Programs & Scholarships) is an event organized by the VIC in order to help start your journey.
With different conferences provided to you by professional and experienced speakers, you will find answers to all your questions. Not only this but we are organizing workshops that will help you to prepare for your language tests.
Get ready and don't miss this chance!!!
STEPS, 23rd of October 2021, at the Polytechnic School of Algiers. Event Venue & Nearby Stays

École nationale polytechnique, 16200 Algiers, Algeria, Algiers, Algeria

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