
Status Of Drugs, Chemicals And Antibiotics Usages In ‎freshwater Aquaculture Activities At Jaintapurupazila Of ‎sylhet, Bangladesh

The study was conducted from March 2016 to October 2016 to ‎understand the current status of drugs, chemicals and antibiotics ‎used for health management at freshwater aquaculture activities ‎in Jaintapur Upazila of Sylhet. Data were collected through ‎questionnaire interview, market survey through the participation ‎of fish farmers, sellers and representatives of pharmaceutical ‎companies. The most common dose of lime, urea and TSP used ‎by the farmers were 0.5-1 kg/40m2, 80-150g/40m2and 50-‎‎100g/40m2 respectively for pond and water quality management. ‎Various categories of aqua drugs and chemicals were identified ‎that were used for water quality management, disinfection, ‎controlling DO level, disease treatment, antibiotics and growth ‎promoter. EDTA, Bleaching powder, Timsen, Polgard, ‎Aquakleen, Virex, Germnillwere widely disinfectant. Health ‎management and disease treatment were the major activities and ‎farmers were seen to use Trichlorfon 40%, Angrab, Spa, ‎KMnO4, Lime, Salt, CT-DOX,VitaX-C, Pond Safe, Deletrixetc. ‎Mostly used antibiotics were Renamycin, Oxysentin 20%, ‎Chlorsteclin, Oxy-D Vet, Aquamycin, Orgamycin 15%, ‎Orgacycline15% etc. Major active ingredients of those ‎antibiotics were tetracycline, oxytetracycline, chlorotetracycline, ‎amoxicillin, doxycycline etc. There were 47 pharmaceutical ‎companies, including international, supplying more than 250 ‎products in the study area. The study indicated umpteen ‎problems associated with the use of chemicals, dose, times and ‎methods of application which must be overcome for ‎environmental and animal safety

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