
Speaking Assessment: How Well Is The Task Taking Place At The Department Of Foreign Languages, University Of 20 Aout Skikda.

It is widely agreed upon the fact that speaking a language means mastering that language. For that reason, a great deal of importance has been given to teaching and assessing speaking. Because the task of speaking assessment is so difficult and challenging many approaches were developed and test specifications were set. The purpose of the literature provided about speaking assessment is to ensure some degree of reliability of the tests and results. In the present paper we aim at finding about how well the task of speaking assessment is taking place at the department of foreign languages in the university 20 août 1955 Skikda. A descriptive research was fostered. A questionnaire was administered to all the teachers of the department. After analysis of the data gathered, the results showed that speaking assessment task at the above-mentioned department is acceptable to a far extent.

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