
Situation Sanitaire Mammaire Et Facteurs De Risque Des Mammites En élevage Bovin Hors Sol En Tunisie

The objective of this work is to assess the health status of breast cows from the Individual Cell Count (CCI) and the Cellular Rate of Herd (TCT) and determine the probable risk factors for mastitis. The study was performed on a sample of 40 non-grazing cattle in the region of Monastir (Tunisia). The breast health result has been achieved by direct cell counting methods on cow's milk and the herd’s mixed milk. Some mastitis’ risk factors were persuaded from a survey, an hygienic and technical monitoring of milking site and a control of milking machines about hygienic, technical and technological plans. It appears that respectively 66 and 52% of cows have arithmetic (MA) and geometric average (MG) of CCI > 200000 cell. / ml. About herds, 85 and 75 % of farms have respectively MA and MG of TCT > 200000 cell. / ml. The study of individual parameters in relation with the CCI showed that only the cows’ cleanliness had an effect on the CCI, while the study of milking conditions correlated with cell counts, detected the impact of some milking practices and some technological characteristics on the CCI and TCT.

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