
Simulation Study For Production Of Heavy Oil: A Case Study Of Soroosh Oil Field, Southern Iran

Effectiveness of two enhanced oil recovery techniques on recovery of Soroosh oil field, an Iranian offshore oil field is investigated and compared. The approach used is the numerical reservoir simulation by means of a well-known numerical reservoir simulator, Eclipse, and the real full field model. Water injection and immiscible gas injection processes have been simulated and compared in terms of ultimate recovery factor. It was found that natural production of oil by depletion and water drive from aquifer will result in very low ultimate recovery factor. Simulation runs also showed that water flooding can be efficient just for upper high permeability layers which contain lighter oil. Finally, from the gas injection simulation runs, it was found that immiscible gas injection can enhance ultimate recovery to 27% which is higher than that of water flooding. The decline rate of production during gas injection was slower than that of water flooding, which.

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