This paper presents the mathematical and the total Matlab-simulink model of the various components, of the photovoltaic power station connected to a network, (PSCN), namely the model of the photovoltaic generator. It is a comprehensive behavioural study which performed according to varying conditions of solar insulation and temperature. The photovoltaic generator and the inverter of single-phase current are modeled. The former by using a mathematical model that gives the values of maximum power according to the variation of the weather conditions, and the latter by a source of voltage controlled by voltage in order to inject a sinusoidal current and to estimate or predict the energy injected monthly or annually into the network.
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Posté Le : 27/04/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Slama F. - Chouder A. - Radjeai H.
Source : Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 25-33