
Silvia Osteo Plus Tablets

Silvia Osteo Plus Tablets
40 Tablets


SILVIA® OSTEO PLUS with tricalcium phophate is especially recommended for adolescents, women above the age of 50 and those who do not consume dairy products. SILVIA® OSTEO PLUS is a source of calcium for people who would not get enough calcium otherwise; the product contains the alga Lithothamnium which helps in maintaining the remineralisation, development and strengthening of the bones. Vitamin D3 acts as a catalyst to supplement the bone trophism.
Clients in pharmacies have 52 CALCIUM SALTS to chose from - ALTA CARE LABORATOIRES chose TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE to produce Silvia Osteo since calcium is the most important mineral in bones and phosphorus is the second most import mineral in the bones.

Calcium acetate, Calcium aluminates, Calcium aluminosilicate, Calcium arsenate, Calcium borate, Calcium bromide, Calcium carbide, Calcium carbonate, Calcium chlorate, Calcium chloride, Calcium citrate, Calcium citrate malate, Calcium cyanamide, Calcium dihydrogen phosphate, Calcium fluoride, Calcium formate, Calcium glubionate, Calcium glucoheptonate, Calcium gluconate, Calcium glycerylphosphate, Calcium hexaboride, Calcium hydride, Calcium hydroxide, Calcium hypochlorite, Calcium inosinate, Calcium lactate, Calcium lactate gluconate, Calcium magnesium acetate, Calcium nitrate, Calcium nitride, Calcium oxalate, Calcium oxide,Calcium pangamate, Calcium peroxide, Calcium phosphate, Calcium phosphide, Calcium propionate, Calcium pyrophosphate, Calcium silicate, Calcium silicide,Calcium sorbate, Calcium stearate, Calcium sulfate, Calcium sulfide, Calcium tartrate, Dicalcium citrate, Dicalcium phosphate, Dodecacalcium hepta-aluminate, Monocalcium aluminate,Monocalcium citrate, Nano precipitated calcium carbonate, Tricalcium phosphate.

Tricalcium phosphate also has the advantage that it is highly bioavailable because the tricalcium phosphate does not cake unlike the other calcium compounds. Alta Care Laboratoires emphasizes the importance of making sure that tricalcium phosphate is chosen in pharmacies as the supplement of choice for optimum well being of the bones.


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