In Algeria and, despite of the growing of service personalization and loyalty,
(according to our investigations) has yet linked this notion to the insurance
sector as well, the main objective of this work is to verify the impact of the
relational approach, across the following dimensions (trust, commitment,
satisfaction, customi-zation, quality perceived, and value) based on customer’s
loyalty of insurance in Saida. The analysis of the results of different
regressions simple has confirmed the existence of significant relation-ship
between the quality, value, personalization, confidence, commitment, and
satisfaction on loyalty to customers on the other side. Regarding the analyzes
of the regression multiple, the results have demonstrated that the factor "
personalization " has a significant effect on fidelity.
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Posté Le : 30/09/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Abdelkader Meziane - Lakhdar Yahiaoui
Source : مجلة نور للدراسات الاقتصادية Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 205-225