
Sémiotique Cognitive Et Interprétation Lors De La Mise En Scène D’un Texte Littéraire

The goal of this research is to study the effect of «theatralisation» of a text on the interpretation of the text. During the first session, two groups of 2nd year students read a dialogue of Jean Tardieu, then they produce a first reminder (R1) and answer a first questionnaire Q1 dealing with the content of the text, and with the creative inference. In the second session, a binome of G1 (theatralisation group) makes a theatrical play of the the text. The control group (G2) rereads the text. A second reminder (R2) and a second questionnaire (Q2) are then proposed. The results showed an effect of the text theatralisation on the number of proposals reminded and on inferential answers. Theatre allows to implement strategies (meta) cognitive interpretation of the text.

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