
Selenium Contents In Wheat

Up to date research studies show that Selenium is a major key player in many physiopathology cases. Selenium is antioxidant acting at the biological cell Cytosol. Its action is supplemented by vitamins A and E act synergistically in the membranes of biological cells.A moderate deficiency on Selenium intake, and in particulate, in the case of a low level in vitamin E, appears to increase the sensibility to some diseases where the antioxidant property is involved such as: Cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory diseases, viral infections, diseases neurodegenerative and cancer. Such findings were the stimulus to in-depth investigations of the regional relevance of Selenium in human nutrition. During the last 20 years researchers, in different countries, were interested in Selenium concentration of frequently consumed food especially in wheat. Consequently, Selenium concentrations in plants reflect generally the concentration of Selenium in soils.

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