The Algerian educational reforms are intended to establish a renovated educational system. The reforms cover all the levels of education from primary school to universities. The aim set at modernizing the educational syllabuses, improving the school textbook and promoting the quality of education in general. In primary schools, the reforms have shrunken the six levels used in primary schools to five levels. Courses have been introduced with their correspondent textbooks and notebooks. Recently, parents presented allegations about the observed heavy weight of schoolbags. Doctors, journalists and teachers have been also presenting their worries about this issue. This study investigated the weight of schoolbags carried by schoolchildren from the first grade to the fifth grade. Results showed a significant schoolbags weight reaching five Kg carried by schoolchildren from the first grade. The educational reform while has focused on the content of the teaching programs seems to neglect the overloaded schoolbags and ignored their effect on the quality of children health.
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Posté Le : 12/05/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Mohamed Meziane
Source : دراسات إنسانية واجتماعية Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 13-26