Anglophone Arab women writers have taken in charge the voicing of Arab immigrants’ agonies. Fadia Faqir is one of these writers. In her novel, «My Name is Salma», Faqir puts her protagonist Salma in a constant struggle with her foreignness in a country where she is supposed to be a citizen with all the rights her citizenship might bring to her. In this paper, we aim at exploring the hardships Arab/Muslim immigrants living in the Diaspora and women in conservative Arab societies are facing through an analytical study of Fadia Faqir’s protagonist Salma in My Name is Salma.
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Posté Le : 01/02/2024
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Sarnou Dallel Moustapha
Source : El-Tawassol التواصل Volume 21, Numéro 1, Pages 225-234 2015-03-30