
Recueil De Corpus Oral En Langue Maternelle Dans Une Interaction Exolingue : Lorsque La Langue Amazighe Supplante Le Français En Classe De Français Langue étrangère

Agzul Amagrad-agi d ayen i d-nugem neɣ i d-newwi seg tsestant i nexdem deg usuddu n tutmlayt d yedles amaziɣ. Tasleî-agi tella-d ɣef udiwenni i d-yellan di tzeqqa n usuddu-agi ger inelmaden d iselmaden-nnsen, mi ɣran tutlayt tafransist (d tutlayt taberranit). Inelmaden gerwen-d amud s tefransist, limmer d lebɣi ad mmeslayen fell-as s tutlayt-agi, maca adiwenni-nni yella- d s umata s tutlayt n teqbaylit. Ilaq ihi ad nwali amek ara nessiwed ad yettwaxdem yinnaw-agi s tutlayt tamaziɣt. Di tesleîagi, ihi, ad neɛreḍ ad d-nessebgen amek d wayɣer inelmaden-agi n usuddu –agi tikwal ttarran ɣer rrif tutlayt tafransist, u sexxdamen tudtlayt tamaziɣt deg umkan-is. Abstract This article reports an experience during a field survey in the language department and Amazigh culture. The analysis focuses on a debate that took place in French as a foreign language class, a class that brings together students from this department with their teacher during the course of a meeting of the French module. This is at an exolingual interaction (PORQUIER, 1984) where participants exchange (teacher / students) have to communicate in French. So the original idea was based on the collection of a corpus in French, however, the debate took another turn where long interventions appeared in Kabyle. It was necessary to think about the way in which we could exploit this speech in Amazigh. Thus, this analysis attempts to show how and why the students of this department to put up the Amazigh language by ousting the French language.

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