
Quality Of Work Life: Theoretical Concepts And Evaluation Case Study Of Employees Of Jijel University

In the light of current changes, human resourcing is considered as the essential factor of the growth and development of any organization.If the concept of quality of working life (QWL) began to evolve since the early sixties of the twentieth century, we note that this have been based on the idea that improving the quality of working life of employees has a direct impact on improving their performance and well-being though such a better taking into account their human needs by the organization.This concept has become a major requirement; any organization must insure its proper application to enhance its human capital. In this research our attention has focused on the importance given to QWL as perceived by male and female employees at the University of Jijel.In the empirical study realized in four faculties, we evaluated the QWL as perceived by two samples of 117 women and 59 men.The study has beenconducted using a questionnaire that has undergone tests of validity and reliability and has three mains null hypothesis.We analyzed the data collected using appropriate statistical indicators.

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