
Protection Of Structures Subject To Seismic And Industrial Vibrations Using Periodical Networks

The concept of frequency gaps in phononic crystals is widely used in many fields of micro and nanostructures. This article presents the findings of a numerical simulation of a concrete substratum with steel columns (pillars) coated in a polyvinyl chloride polymer (PVC). The simulation results show the existence of band gaps at medium frequencies. Exploring other metal-polymer pairs of materials such as «steel-rubber» and «Steel-Silicone», the range of band gaps has shifted towards the lower frequencies ranging from 4 to 150 m/s induced from the local resonances which cover part of the seismic frequency domain and the mechanical vibration effects on large scale structures and components. These results were improved further by notching the ends of the substratum that have the effect of widening the band gaps especially for «metal - PVC» and «metal - rubber» pairs.

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