Privatization aims to improve the performances of the public enterprises in one hand and in another hand to improve
the economic growth and dynamization of the capital market, its success as a development strategy remains very dependent on the socio economic
environment. However, privatization lays on three pillars: the financial market, the stock exchange and especially the direct foreign investments . These investments are devoted to the development of a country. They constitute one of the means of the opening of the economy on the world and taking into consideration its primary source and it is an important component of the process of reorganization, modernization and possible reorientation of the economy. This paper aims to answer the following question: "Is the selection of privatization as a process of the opening of Algeria on the world wide economy, will it be able to promote the direct foreign investments ?"
In orde r to examine this problimatic, the first section is consecrated to the theoretical aspects of the policy of privatization. The second section presents basic elements about the direct foreign investments . The third section is focused on the evaluation of the Algerian experience about privatization and direct foreign investments. It tries to lighten as exhaustive as possible the general balance sheet of the privatization of companies and to appreciate the business climat as well as the Algeria’s attractiveness of the foreign capital.
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Posté Le : 08/06/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Lamia Rabia
Source : دراسات وأبحاث Volume 5, Numéro 13, Pages 278-302