
Printing knowledge: printing color and pre-press design experience

Printing knowledge: printing color and pre-press design experience
Printing knowledge: printing color and pre-press design experience

Printing matter adorns people's lives and adds splendid colors to people's lives. So what are the characteristics of qualified printed matter? What problems should Chinese printers pay attention to in the printing process?

1.Gray balance. According to the experience of theory and production practice, the most difficult to control color of printed matter is gray balance. Gray balance means that the three primary colors of yellow, magenta, and cyan are combined and overprinted from light to dark according to a certain ratio of dots to obtain achromatic achromatic (white, light gray, gray, dark gray, black) with different brightness under a certain printability. Obtaining a visually neutral gray color has many factors that affect it. The amount of ink used in printing, paper, full-page density, dot area, overprinting, and screen lines will all have inextricable effects on the gray balance. It is the most test of the machine's overprinting accuracy and the skill level of Chinese printers.

2. 4-color screen and 3-color screen, do not print the full-page color, it is recommended to use spot color printing.
3. The text is four-color, that is, there are text in the four colors in CMYK, especially the very small characters, which are difficult to put on, and the machine's gripping teeth are extremely demanding. This is also a relatively common problem, so the pre-press designer must check whether the black text in the publication file, especially the small print, is only on the black plate, and should not appear on the other three-color plates. If it appears, the quality of the printed product will be greatly reduced. When the RGB graphics are converted to CMYK graphics, the black text will definitely become four-color black. Unless otherwise specified, it must be dealt with.

4. and even the black background is not easy to handle. In order to achieve the effect, the black background can be printed with special black ink or printed twice. It is not difficult to print and it is more labor-intensive.

5. Superposition of several color dots, especially more than 70% dots. Specifically, dark brown, coffee, dark green (flat screen, containing blue 70), dark blue, purple blue, etc. are difficult to print because of the difference in color and it is not easy to find a balance on the printing machine.

6. In printing, things that are generally full-page, spot-color full-page or larger area, reversed white characters, the same logo, and the same color block are generally difficult to follow the color, and it is easy to cause color difference, ghosting, smearing, and scratching. Injury phenomenon.

As a professional Chinese printer, it must pursue high-quality printed materials to adapt to people’s rising aesthetic concepts.

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