
Principles Of Mental Regulation As Basis Of The Kopleksny Technique Of Tactical Technical Training At The Initial Stage Of Training (on The Example Of Billiards)

At increase of level of sports results the great value gains tactical skill of athletes. At a stage of the highest sports skill players who possess ability to the rational tactical activity at competitions caused by level physical technical and, in particular, psychological and intellectual readiness wins. According to L.P. Matveev the sense of tactics of the athlete consists in development and use of such plans, models and practical ways of competitive behavior what would allow to realize with the greatest efficiency the opportunities (physical, mental, technical) what with the smallest difficulties to overcome counteraction of rivals. The concept "sports tactics" is considered as the difficult process consisting at least of two parts: the cogitative operations and designs (model) defining rod lines of conduct of the athlete in competition and realizing practical forms of his competitive behavior [8, 9]. As interesting addition of these provisions V. L. Utkin's opinion can serve. He considers as tactics elements tactical moves in the form of technical and tactical actions, methods of psychological impact on the rival, a choice of a position and masking of intentions. V. L. Utkin calls combinations of tactical moves tactical options. Tactical moves and options are realized by means of motive activity, but their choice – result of cogitative activity of the athlete [14].

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