
Pour Une Lecture Dramaturgique Du Texte Afenǧal N Lqahwa De Belaid Ai Ali

Takti tamenzut mi ara iɣer yiwen Afenǧal n lqahwa, ad tt-yeqqen ɣer tewsit n uḍrisagi. Wagi yesɛa lewṣayef n umezgun. Aḍris-agi, yebna ɣef yidiwenniten gar yiwudam ; tikwal d awal yellan gar-asen i d-immalen amek ara yeddu umeslay gat yiwudam-agi. Tamukrist n tezrawt-agi d andi ma yella aḍris-agi Afenǧal n lqahwa, yura-t bab-is akken ad t-uraren am umezgun. Ahat d aḍris-agi i d amenzu deg umezruy n umezgun s teqbaylit Abstract The idea of this reading came from a simple observation: the text of BelaidAit Ali has the characteristic of being presented in a particular textual practice. A preliminary reading reveals that a set of indices claiming the theater bear the text of BelaidAit Ali. Indeed, it is presented in the form of a dialogue whose speech exchanges are interrupted by enunciative statements in parentheses. These indices are, in our opinion, the technique of writing proper to the dramaturgic text. Would this text be written to be represented? Is it a starting point for a process of creating a theatrical work in Kabyle?

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