The responsibility to protect public safety and the environment with respect to pipeline transportation is a very serious
one; a responsibility that RTO (Regional Direction of Transportation of Hydrocarbons by Pipelines/Sonatrach Division) should
not treat lightly. When pipeline accidents happen, even though they occur rarely, the consequences can be disastrous.
The preparation of a risk assessment is an important first step in the emergency planning process. The results of this study will
be of value in helping RTO Staff understand the probability and severity of emergencies that may occur in the region.
The implementation of a risk assessment strategy as part of RTO Company’s overall risk management program usually
generates two important benefits: enhanced detection of potential problem areas (heightened RTO awareness along the 500 Km
of pipeline); and maintenance project selection based on maximizing the corrosion and risk reduction potential of the system
given limited financial and manpower resources. It should be noted that risk management is not perceived as a means to lower
the amount of money spent on system maintenance, but is a process for enhancing and correctly leveraging the available
maintenance dollars. The ultimate goal is to reduce the potential for a release or explosion, thereby increasing public safety,
environment protection and pipeline profitability.
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Posté Le : 30/08/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Benyoub Mohamed Kamel
Source : Revue de l'Algerian Petroleum Institute Volume 1, Numéro 0, Pages 17-21 2007-07-15