
Physico-chemical And Biochemical Characterization Of Urginea Noctiflora Bulbes (liliaceae) Harvested From Ghardaïa (septentrional Sahara Algerian): Antioxidant And Antimicrobial Activities

Urginea noctiflora a spontaneous plant used as a traditional medicine in Ghardaïa (Septentrional Sahara Algerian).The bulbs were characterized and revealed the average values: 26.74 ± 1.31% total ashes, with a rate of 33.09±8.31ppm of Calcium, 80±6.37ppm of Sodium, 55.18±9.48ppm of Potassium and 18.91±3.51ppm of Magnesium. For proteins, it is noted 6.44±0.79%, while the total carbohydrates are 18.78±0.14%. Lipids seem lower with an average of 0.99±0.13% of dry matter. Fibers appear to be major compounds (25.80±0.82%). The amounts of total phenolics varied widely in the extracts and ranged from 0.48±0.28 to 9.81±1.84mg GAE/g dry material in hexane and ethanol extracts respectively. The amounts of flavonoids were ranged from 0.158±0.06mg to 1.03±0.167mg. Water-soluble polysaccharides are 5.33%. Total antioxidant capacity of the plant extracts ranged from 0.11±0.05 to 4.56±0.13mg vitamin C equivalent per gram of dry matter for the hexane extracts and ethanol respectively. All extracts were active against some or the entire tested microorganisms Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella thyphimurium, and Candida albicans. In agar medium, the non polar extracts are more effective than the polar extracts, on most of the micro-organisms tested, which that of hexane had the highest activities as 1.36±0.05cm Inhibition Zones against S. thyphimurium. Polar extracts had the higher activities against Candida albicans, the Inhibition Zones are between 1.13±0.05 and 1.25±0.13cm.

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