
Physical And Hydric Characterizations Of Growth Substrates Based Of Compost For Forestry Nurseries

Several research studies have shown the importance of compost using for containers seedlings production. In this context, the present study attempts to optimize physically and moisture content of growing media formed of forestry crude compost mixed with olive oil and livestock manure wastes Co-compost. The contribution of co-compost was carried out according to different proportions to determine mixtures that have the best physical characteristics (total porosity, aeration and retention, dry bulk density) and moisture content (pF curves, water availability, time of rewetting ) for optimum forest seedling growth. The results have shown that the incorporation of 20% refined rabbit Co-compost, 50% refined olive oil wastes Co-compost, 50% ovine screened Co-compost and 50% cattle screened Co-compost with forestry compost have shown the relatively better results. The raw forestry compost showed good air content and insufficient moisture content. Mixed with Olive oil wastes Co-compost, he proved an unsatisfactory air content, but water availability was good.

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