The paper proposes a descriptive contrastive study of the passive form in Jordanian Urban Arabic and Modern Standard Turkish. The discussion leads to different major conclusions. Both Modern Standard Turkish and Jordanian Urban Arabic have active and passive constructions. We can form passive in both languages from transitive and intransitive verbs as well. Jordanian Urban Arabic and Modern Standard Turkish also allow passivisation from ditransitive verbs. But unlike Modern Standard Turkish, Jordanian Urban Arabic active voice is much more frequently used because the passive voice in Jordanian Urban Arabic is only used when the subject (agent) of the active sentence is not known or kept unknown on purpose whereas the agent of a passive sentence may be stated in Modern Standard Turkish.
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Posté Le : 07/03/2024
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Ibrahim Abushihab
Source : قراءات Volume 4, Numéro 4, Pages 33-63 2014-06-30