Quantum dots (QDs) represent an interesting topic in the controlled modification of optical, electronic and thermoelectric properties of semiconductor materials. Applications in optoelectronic and other devices have been theoretically proposed due to its easy tuning properties by means of controlling size, shape, and density of QDs.
Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) nanostructures are being a popular subject of research since last three decades because of its fascinating properties and potential for nanoelectronic devices which is the trend of miniaturization nowadays. Gallium Arsenide nanoclusters have a significant change of electronic properties from the bulk. This has been the favor in the fabrication of nano-electronic devices for example, optoelectronic devices and transistors. The electronic band structure and optical properties of a GaAs quantum well have been investigated using the pseudopotential approach.
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Posté Le : 26/05/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Eloud T. - Gueddim A. - Bouarissa N.
Source : Journal of New Technology and Materials Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 116-122