Alger - Amel Zen

#OneBeat2016 #Tour dates : Calendrier de la tournée d'Amel ZEN aux USA

#OneBeat2016 #Tour dates : Calendrier de la tournée d'Amel ZEN aux USA

#OneBeat2016 #Tour dates :
➡Friday, Sept 16: Timucua White House, Orlando, FL
➡Friday, Sept 23: Atlantic Center for the Arts, Orlando, FL
➡Monday, Sept 26: Three Keys at ACE Hotel, New Orleans, LA
➡Wednesday, Sept 28: Three Keys at ACE Hotel, New Orleans, LA
➡Friday, Sept 30: Music Box, New Orleans, LA
➡Saturday, Oct 1: Music Box, New Orleans, LA
➡Tuesday, Oct 4: Chattanooga Public Library, Chattanooga, TN (part of Start Up Week Chattanooga)
➡Tuesday, Oct 4: Granfalloon, Chattanooga, TN (International Potluck with Storytelling and Music)
➡Wednesday, Oct 5: Miller Plaza, Chattanooga, TN (at Start Up Week, in partnership with Undaground)
➡Friday, Oct 7: Rebuild Foundation, Chicago, IL
➡Saturday, Oct 8: Constellation, Chicago, IL
➡Sunday, Oct 9: Old Town School of Folk Music, Chicago, IL

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