This article is an attempt to provide arguments on the necessity of giving more attention to intercultural communication in foreign language classrooms to build up learners’ intercultural competence. Some consideration is provided to the why and how of building foreign language learners’ intercultural competence in Algeria. Teaching a foreign language should no more be limited to developing learners’ basic skills such as reading, writing, speaking or listening, but Some cultural elements should also be incorporated as they are interwoven with language itself. Moreover, some practical suggestions and techniques are offered to deal with culture in foreign language classroom and build up learners’ cultural perspicacity, empathy, objectivity and respect of one’s and other people’s cultures.
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Posté Le : 05/02/2024
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Khenoune-ghout Linda
Source : El-Tawassol التواصل Volume 19, Numéro 1, Pages 23-31 2013-03-30