
Nurturing Learners’ Communicative& Met Communicative Potential First Year Lmd Students At Djillali Liabes University As A Case Study

When people communicate, they do more than exchanging information Sanford & Roach 1986); they use metaknowledge about interpersonal relationships and the nature of communication to manage the dialogue (Roach & Nickson, 1986).When two interactants engage in a dialogue, one necessary task is to regulate the relationship between them. Communication theorists state that when people talk, they communicate on at least twodifferent levels simultaneously: at the most direct level, they communicate the content of the utterances; and also at a more subtle level they communicate their wants and perceptions. This second level of communication is called metacommunication (Watzlawick et al 1967). It is quite interesting that before behavioural scientists began to wonder about these aspects of human communication, computer engineers had come across the same problem in their work. It became clear to them that when communicating with an artificial organism, their communications had to have both report and command aspects. For instance, if a computer is to multiply two figures, it must be fed this information (the two figures) and information about information: the command multiplies them. Among the most productive areas for application of this perspective has been the study of field language development, where it includes „ discovery of how cultures themselves shape acquisition „ (Hymes 1987:224), and the study of classroom interaction in relation to community patterns of communication. Scholars in the field foreign / second language teaching generally use the term “communicative competence” in a narrower sense, which means the ability to use language appropriately in communicative interaction. This paper intends to display an indepth analysis about communicative and metacommunicative abilities at the pioneers of the new system called LMD which means (Licence.Master.Doctorate) implemented within the Algerian university recently. It raises equally the problematic of rigid interaction between the speech partners in the classroom environment (the teacher and his/ her learners) and all what can break down the interactive process. Flexible interaction might allow smooth delivery and an ease to monitor the speech. Hence, the feasibility of adopting a combination between nurturing communicative competence and using metacommunication is targeted throughout this research study.

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