
Numerical Simulation Of Seismic Soil-structure Interaction Including Site Effects

The seismic behavior and vulnerability assessment of buildings is a major concern in earthquake engineering. In this respect, we study in this research paper the effects of soil-structure and site-city interaction of structures that may be seen as a first level of vulnerability diagnosis. We present a finite element analysis of soil structure interaction, using representative soil models and structures from Annaba city (Algeria). The study highlights the main parameters that govern the mechanisms of the phenomenon and their influence on the modal features of the system. The given results allow a better physical insight on soil structure interaction and site-city effects at least in its fundamental aspect, as well as a first, reasonably accurate estimate of the importance of the phenomenon. The response to real accelerograms from Boumerdès (Algeria) earthquake is analyzed by considering an idealized city composed of five buildings designed following the Algerian code requirements. As a first approach, the effect of buildings is described, this enables to identify the magnitude of the interaction, and to provide an assessment of both free field soil motion and building motion.

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