The formation of the emitter is considered as a crucial technological sequence during the manufacture of solar cells the thermal diffusion from a solid source in acylindrical quartz tube constitutes the most widely know and used technique for the formation of the emitter. Indeed, doping of n-type silicon with boron diffusion allows the formation of the p+ emitter. This distribution is often difficult in terms of homogeneity to control and requires adequate detailed understanding of physical phenomena in order to optimize the best profile of dopant diffusion. However, this work is dedicated to the optimization of boron diffusion profile by investigating the effects of temperature and time diffusion on the planar and textured. A comparison with the experimental profile measured by SIMS (Spectroscopy Secondary Ion Mass) was performed. The differences between planar and textured surface are discussed.
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Posté Le : 27/05/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Lachachi Hanane - Zerga Abdellatif - Benabadji Batoul
Source : Journal of New Technology and Materials Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 81-86