Reading and writing are often seen as integrated skills. Actually one does not go without the other. Some thinkers consider that they ought to be taught as a single subject, while others see them better as separate skills. In our immediate level, we notice that in the Teachers' Training School they are taught as separate subjects; while in the English department of Constantine 1 university there is no room for reading. This study aims primarily at investigating the relationship between reading and writing and how they affect each other in teaching English as a foreign language. We hypothesize that if reading and writing were taught as integrated skills, the students' performance in writing would be enhanced significantly. Therefore, we want to prove that Reading Comprehension needs to be taught as a separate subject in the English department of Constantine 1 university to help students improve their writing skills.
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Posté Le : 11/03/2024
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Fetsi Esma
Source : افاق فكرية Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 334-343 2018-03-30