
Neuralta Tablets

Neuralta Tablets
80 Tablets


NEURALTA® is a neurotropic supplement with Vitamin B1 + B6 + B12 to help:
• After convalescence (both rheumatological and mental);
• Improve the well being of the peripheral nervous system;
• Re-establish the equilibrium after physical and mental stress.
NEURALTA® provides energy and support, especially in cases of a weak nervous system. Neuralta tablets strengthen and re enforce the nerves that can become weak with age. Studies show that nerves also weaken if one suffers from acute or chronic pain so supplementation with Neuralta is also recommended.
NEURALTA® helps to produce a synergistic effect when prescribed with other anti-inflammatory drugs. Studies show that when the Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 combination is presented in high doses an analgesic action is noted.

The dosage should be adapted to each individual’s case: 1 -2 tablets a day, or as directed by your pharmacist or doctor.
Neuralta tablets are made in France by Alta Care Laboratoires. Neuralta tablets is an over the counter product available in pharmacies and no prescription is needed.


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