
Nature Heals: An Ecofeminist Reading Of Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing

The new environmental developments succeeded in shifting the interest of writers from anthropological interest into ecological interests. Writers become aware of Men’s role in the destruction of nature and its damaging consequences. These perspectives helped in the development of ecofeminism, which is a school of thought that gathers between the oppression of women and the oppression of nature. This article studies Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing from an ecofeminist perspective showing how women and nature are used, exploited and oppressed by men and their culture. Atwood’s novel proves a tight relationship between women and nature. This article is meant to show that the unnamed narrator has suffered through her adult life from oppression. She lived her life with an unstable identity. Her return to nature, however, helped her to find her lost identity. Through her assimilation with nature elements, the unnamed protagonist succeeded in establishing, asserting and acknowledging herself.

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