
My Way incubator program

My Way incubator program

The incubation program was born after a long experience in the field of supporting startups in some corners of the world.
Our goal is to transfer this experience to ensure the success of startups, in the form of support program:
- Support the project leader from the idea to the launch of the startup, through prototyping, Business Model, communication and Marketing, and why not having a first client.
- Support is also for startups that are already operational but they have technical or business issues, The role of My Way is to review and validate new processes to relaunch these startups.
- My Way also supports startups that have potential and can export their services to other countries.
The partnership with SpaceX coworking, ensures a complete support of the Startup and increases the chances of success and perseverance.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays

28 Rue Daib Aissa - Borj El Kiffan - Alger -Algerie, Algiers, Algeria

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