
Les Virus Infectants L’abeille Mellifère; Pathogénies, Symptômes Et Impacts Sur La Colonie D’abeille

The presence of viruses and their relations with bee mortality is a concern that is being studied around the world. The purpose of this article is to present the current state of knowledge about the virus of bees. The history of their discovery, the features demonstrated in experimental infection, their association with other pathogens as well as the supposed impact of viral infection or shown on the health of colonies and the symptoms described on apiaries are the main points this manuscript. Viruses are very small micro-organisms (20 to 350 nm), which can cause illness: Twenty were identified among honeybees often latent and will develop with a predisposing cause as the mite Varroa. Visible clinical symptoms can be easily recognized as for virus deformed wings where the wings are bent. Other viruses are virulent as KBV, which can cause significant mortality without specific symptoms. Most viruses do not show symptoms, only laboratory analysis allows the identification of the causative agent. RT-PCR technique (polymerase chain reaction to amplify the genetic material, after the action of reverse transcriptase to convert RNA into DNA) not only provides some identification of the virus, but also a determination of the viral material. The only way to prevent viral infections is to limit the spread by an effective health management of apiaries and to effectively each year against varroa mites.

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