
Les Protéines Insecticides Binaires Vip1, Vip2 De La Souche Entomopathogène Bacillus Thuringiensis

Bacillus thuringiensisis an entomopathogenic bacterium used as a biopesticide. It is characterized by the secretion of the vegetative insecticidal proteins Vips during the vegetative growth phase. We noted the presence of four classes of Vip proteins: Vip1, Vip2 Vip3 and Vip4. Vip3 proteins are active against the lepidopteran larvae like Agrotis ipsilon however; Vip1 and Vip2 binary toxins are toxic against the coleopteran larvae, essentially towards the western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. Vip1 proteinis the component used for the binding to the midgut cells; however, Vip2 isa ADP-ribosyltransferase which alters the actin of the midgut cells and inhibits its polymerization. During this report, we resumed all the characteristics related to Vip1, Vip2 proteins and their mode of action.

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