The naval bases of Carthage and their infrastructures deserve a more thorough
approach, if we become aware of the importance of the Punic territory between the IVth
and the IInd century BC. Indeed, Carthage depended several bases on the north and
northeast coasts of Africa, western and southwest of Sicily, the South of Sardinia and
southeast of Spain.
The questions which settled about the ports of Carthage also settle as regards the similar
port facilities, in particular those of Leptis and Iol. Carthage had also built ports on the
north coast of the western Mediterranean Sea. These bases played a very important role
for the protection of the mines of silver and tin. The number of ports in the western
pond of the Mediterranean Sea was more raised than the number of ports in the oriental
pond, because of the more favorable natural and economic conditions. Even if the recent
excavations allow to know better these ports, it remains difficult to distinguish in a safe
way between the Punic vestiges and the Roman vestiges.
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Posté Le : 24/07/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Ait Amara Ouiza
Source : مجلة عصور الجديدة Volume 4, Numéro 12, Pages 43-56 2018-01-01