The current financial crisis is an opportunity for many
commentators to sing the usual refrain about the chronic instability
of capitalism and the need for stronger market regulation which is
also called, erroneously, regulation of financial markets. It was quite
a different lesson that we should draw from the current crisis, namely
that better regulation through the free functioning of markets, not
regulation. The financial crisis has affected not only financial
institutions but also public authorities at all levels, businesses and
consumers worldwide. Its impact is global; it is not only economic
but also political, social, environmental, and concerns all sectors,
from health to education. One of the worst consequences of this
crisis is the loss of public confidence in the financial system
underpinning the economy. This confidence must be restored. The
bottom line is that the impact of the crisis are managed wisely , that
governments and central banks respond to the crisis by doing
everything possible in a coordinated way , to mitigate its effects.
Several thorny dilemmas are already asking : how far public
authorities should they go to save the threatened bankruptcy of
enterprises, using for this taxpayer money and indebting future
generations? What should governments do to protect the interests of
all those who have invested in foreign companies established on their
territory when they encounter difficulties? Is there a risk that
themselves stimulus weaken even more the financial system and the
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Posté Le : 19/05/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Ait Mokhtar Omar
Source : مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا Volume 12, Numéro 14, Pages 35-55