
Learning From The Crisis Of Social Responsibility: The Case Of Nike Company

The corporate social responsibility CSR is governed by general principles recognised internationally and reflects human behaviour. The organisation has to apply the laws set forth, with the necessity of commitment to the ethical aspect of the exercise of their activities. In case the organisation overrides the laws and ethics, it will face a severe response from stakeholders which leads to a crisis of social responsibility negatively affecting the financial indicators and its reputation. In contrast to the crisis, there is a positive side for the organisation to learn through a multiplexed learning which makes it changing its culture and strategy without the need to encounter and with even some support. Furthermore, learnin gafter the crisis will be by having social responsibility within the culture of the organization and by making it one of the pillars of its strategy. According to Nike Company, the learning was through building alliance relationship with contractors, raising the level of cooperation with stakeholders and focusing on transparency principle.

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