In the context of English at university
level, it has been noticed that advanced
learners of English misuse phrasal verbs –
a verb followed by a preposition or an
adverb. This situation has motivated the
need to investigate this area of English
grammar and see whether a specific
methodology could help in the acquisition
of phrasal verbs. As a background to this
investigation, we will highlight the
concepts basic to foreign language
acquisition, in particular the concepts of
acquisition –“knowing how” the language
functions – and that of learning –
“knowing about” the language. We will
report on the results of a test involving
Definitions, Matching, Multiple Choice
and Cloze Procedure activities requiring
the meaning of phrasal verbs and
highlighting the informants’
understanding and use of phrasal verbs.
This study has shown that advanced
learners of English (University level), on
the whole, have a certain knowledge of
some phrasal verbs, usually the ones come
across in teaching, but have difficulty
defining even the phrasal verbs they think
they know and using the phrasal verbs in
the contexts where they do not expect
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Posté Le : 30/01/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Abderrahim Farida
Source : FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 6-21