
Le Matériel De Traitement Post-récolte Des Céréales Au Burkina Faso Situation Actuelle Des équipements De Décorticage

Millet, sorghum, maize and rice are the cereals produced in Burkina Faso. They are consumed after mechanized dehulling treatment with hammer, disk or Engelberg dehuller. The dehulled grain quality depends on the type of machine, the grains and the user’s technical ability. A lack of correlations between these parameters led to an unsuccessful dehulling machines introduction in Senegal. This proves that the user must know characteristics of existing dehulling machines and their performances before purchasing them. In Burkina, Indian dehuller Engelberg type is marketed by four traders relayed by regional sellers. The annual sales average is about 912 units. The best raw productivities are as followed 372,88 ± 2,78 kg per hour, 393,93 ± 76,72 kg per hour, 356,94 ± 66,41 kg per hour and 355,39 ± 68,81 kg per hour respectively for UPKAR 1, METRO 2, LYON 7 and LYON 8. Their designed dehulling yields averages varied from 67 to 79 % and are higher than those obtained in Senegal. In terms of low output rates and fuel consumption, LYON 8 and UPKAR1 seem to be the best energy and economic arrangement.

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