The quest for the desert, in the
novel's texts, appears at first as a
flight away from the world, far
from noise, to seek and try to find
oneself in its true identity. The
unusual desert space, without
landmarks, without limits, is a
place of trials as opposed to
certain romantic visions. Of
course, the desert is painful to
live, to bear. It incarnates the
space of discomfort and vertigo;
It is a source of danger and
suffering, but paradoxically it is
the symbol of refuge, serenity
and happiness. Overall, our
study tries to demonstrate the
paradoxical phenomenon of the
desert: being euphoric and
dysphoric at the same time.
Euphoria and dysphoria are
present but not as juxtaposed
predicates, which would give
thymic antitheses. This is not a
narrative transformation from an
initial euphoric state to a final
dysphoric state or vice versa.
But, euphoria and dysphoria are
manifested at the same time.
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Posté Le : 13/08/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Zebiri Abdelkrim
Source : FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 6-20 2016-06-01