Algérie - Offres d'emploi

Le Bureau national Erasmus + cherche un coordinateur. Dernier délai pour déposer une candidature : 17 octobre 2017

Le Bureau national Erasmus + cherche un coordinateur. Dernier délai pour déposer une candidature : 17 octobre 2017

National Erasmus+ Office in Algeria is looking for a coordinator

EU project positions
The National Erasmus+ Offices (NEO) assist the European Commission, the Education, Audiovisual
and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), and the Partner Country authorities concerned in the
implementation of the Erasmus+ Programme.

The Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS), the EC Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) and the EU Delegation to Algeria are looking for a new


for the National Erasmus+ Office in Algeria (NEO)

The successful candidate will be responsible for the implementation and coordination of the following activities: Promotion, information and follow up of Erasmus+ and other relevant EU programmes; Advice and support to potential applicants at local level interested to apply for Erasmus+ projects; Project monitoring; Follow up of higher education issues; administration of the NEO, etc.

Motivation letter and CV to be sent to the following email address:

Please mention the following in your email subject title: « Application – NEO- Algeria »

Deadline for applications: 17 October 2017, midnight Brussels time.

For additional information on Erasmus+, please consult:

For questions please contact directly EACEA at:

Description of the post and requirements :

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