It is clear that a native does not need to decipher the units of an idiomatic expression to perform a perlocutionary act. That said, he will refrain from establishing a link between each term and its meaning in order to grasp the meaning of the message by relying on the conventional mode of designation that he shares with his linguistic community and which delimits semantic associations. This reasoning, as far as we are concerned, should more than ever be the creed of translators and interpreters to ward off interference, and taking each language as an idiom in translation would necessarily go beyond the simple analysis of meanings. It is in this perspective that we place our approach, which is essentially based on the treatment of translation as an "inter-discursive" mediation which inevitably confronts us with the problem of intercultural communication.
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Posté Le : 18/12/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Kaddour Othmane
Source : Traduction et Langues Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 69-73 2009-12-31