
La Narration Des Contes En Classe Du Fle : Intérêts Et Pratiques

The narration of the tale already has a certain history as a pedagogical support in the teaching/learning of French as a foreign language. Many journals have devoted articles to it that offer methodologies for its exploitation. Generally, it is literary, written tales that are retained and used with a view to acquiring linguistic skills, grammatical in particular; if the number of articles is quite considerable, the number of educational achievements in FLE class published resulting from these reflections has remained modest. As narrative competence is omnipresent in daily language practices in the teaching of French as a foreign language, we will try to answer a central question: how to insert effectively the narration of the tale in the course of French as a foreign language at school, both from the point of view of its adaptation to our young Algerian learners of French as a foreign language, and of its pedagogical virtue.

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