
La Expansión Ideológica De Los Fatimíes Del Magreb En Las Tierras Persas.

The success of Ismaili da‘wa was crowned in 297/909 for the establishment of the Fatimid state in North Africa, with which, the Fatimid caliph-imam may claim to act as spiritual spokesman of Shiite Islam in general, like the Abbasid caliph was the spokesman of Sunni Islam. The Fatimids actively aspired to extend its political power over the eastern Muslim lands. The desire of the Fatimid Muslims gather under his own Shia Ismaili caliphate has always been one of the principles of the foreign policy of the Fatimid state, they sent missionaries above all in the northwest of Iran, Khorasan and Transoxiana. The Fatimid Ismaili missionaries began to have success in Persia, particularly from the time of Caliph al-Mu‘iz

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